Thursday, January 9, 2014

Sarah Cynthia Slyvia Stout

One of my favorite poems by Shel Silverstein is about garbage! LOL "Sarah Slyvia Cynthia Stout would not take the garbage out.  She'd scour the pots and scrape the pans, candy the yams and spice the hams. And though her daddy would scream and shout she simply would not take the garbage out."  

The poem goes on and on about the curdled greasy food that has piled so high it nearly touches the sky! I love this poem so much I have it memorized, I don't even have the hubs cell phone memorized but Shel Silverstein has such a way with words that I just can't forget...and I used to read his poems to our daughter when she was little.

As I drove around the corner to our driveway this morning I saw that hub had put the trash bin on the curb. What I saw wasn't just a green can sitting there, oh no...we had the leaning Tower of Plastic Bag Pisa! 

Ok that's a slight exaggeration but come on, that is a lot of trash... dontcha think?  In our defense we missed the trash pick up TWO weeks ago.  Mhmmm if you forget to set your trash out on the pick up day you have to wait 2 weeks before you can set it out again. One week is trash, then the next week is recycling and then trash again.  I HATE that! 

How often is your trash picked up? I've never lived anywhere (and I've lived in 6 different states and England) that only picked up every other week. The trash collectors won't pick up any bags that are placed on the ground next to the bin so if you can't get it inside your out of luck and have to save it until they collect again. I think my hub is pretty clever...he ties all the bags together that he cannot get into the bin and places them on top.  Hopefully the trash men will think it's acceptable because at this point if they don't take it away I'm afraid our neighbors will start to complain.

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