Saturday, January 4, 2014

Say cheese!

Confession…I just don't get selfies! I don't know what goes through the selfie takers mind just before they snap one off of themselves. The car selfies really baffle me…are you in the car on your way to Target when you glance up in the rear view mirror and BAM! It happens…you look at yourself and think "Shoooooot I look so good and I'm just going to Target, I better take a pic and show everyone how good I look!"  Seriously, I need to know. WHY?!


I'm not trying to be mean or call anyone out on this narcissistic behavior, especially since I have several dear friends and family members who are daily seflie posters/posers and I'd never want to hurt their feelings but a very wise teenager once told me…"Anyone over 20 should not take selfies, ever!"

I, for the most part agree with a few exceptions... 

1. Selfie is acceptable if you are updating your FB profile picture.

2. You're standing in front of a WORLD WONDER (Eiffel Tower, Grand Canyon, Drag Queen who looks just like Dolly Parton) alone and have nobody to take your picture.

3. You've just put on an herbal face mask and want your friends to get a good laugh!

Ooops wrong kind of mask lol, but this is my BFF and this kind of selfie is OK as it falls into the "I'm just a dork category."

There that's much better…this also falls into the DORK category and yes it IS me behind the herbal face mask! What? It takes work to look this good.

The only other acceptable reason I can think of for a selfie when you're over 20 is..

5. You're selling something and I don't mean YOURSELF!!!  OR you're all dressed up for a special occasion, you do look incredible (for your age) AND you haven't posted a pic of yourself in quite some time. But there is risk involved, you may still come off a bit conceited but it might be worth it if you look that good…and there will always be haters no matter what.  lol

What is your take on SELFIES? I really want to know!  Like them? Hate them? Know someone who abuses them?


  1. HaHa. Tongue in cheek selfie coming up!

    I don't think anyone should purse their lips in selfies. More so males. Of any age. For any reason. It is not sexy. It is oogly.

    Length of arm and vision plays a major role in selfies. I have recently learned that no matter the occasion or reason, I am challenged in this way. My selfies are all taken by someone else.


  2. LOL! I need a MUCH longer arm to get the best possible angle in order to hide all my chins! If I do ever get a shot with my limited arm length that makes it look like I only have one and a half chins I admit I am often tempted to share! Heehee Hahaha
